Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A Long Trip

Chris and I literally traveled half way around the world to meet up with his family in Spain. It was definitely worth it! Spending two nights in a row on an airplane is tiring to say the least, but I have to admit even the travel was fascinating because it gave me a new perspective on our world and made it seem quite small and enormously massive at the same time. Oceans and continents passed by my little airplane window like cow pastures and Walmarts do on a driving trip. First the Mediterranean, then Spain, then the Atlantic, the continental USA, the Pacific, then I was finally home.

This was my first trip out of the country (unless you count visiting the Canadian side of Niagara Falls as an international experience) Everyone said it would be a real eye opener to spend a week amongst a different culture but what struck me more than anything is how similar life on the other side of the world is to ours. Sure, people in Europe eat weird sausage, but in my limited experience I would have to say people from around the world have a lot more in common than we like to admit.

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