Saturday, November 18, 2006

Road Test

We took the Liberty to Makalawena today and it did great! I didn't scrape on one rock, I am really pleased. It's amazing what 3 or 4 inches will do.

Getting there is half the fun:

Was the lift worth it? This is Makalawena, one of the many places my newly lifted Jeep can go. You decide.


Anonymous said...

Okay, now I see what you can do!
Looks like fun!
Yes, it is worth it!

Brian said...

Your ride is going local. All you need now is a pit bull in the back.

Anonymous said...

A good lift kit can really take you to a good place like Makalawena. Good luck to your future adventures with your Liberty

Anonymous said...

its really amazing what suspension lifts can do to your car!