Hau`oli Makahiki Hou and Hau`oli La Hanau
Today I am celebrating a new year as well as a birthday- Andi's blog turns 5 today. We went to a fantastic party last night to mark the occasion. Well, the party was about the new year and not so much about the blog. Hours of fireworks, visiting and eating ensued. We ate bratwurst, Italian sausage, pizza, sheep sausage, fillet mignon, ono, smoked salmon, Korean chicken, chilli, and well, you get the idea.
New for this year's fireworks display was a contraption Chris put together using a 2X4 and a motor taken out of an old movie projector that he powered by a car battery. We had endless joy spinning piccolo peats, fountains and crackle strings from his device. It was such a hit, I am sure this creation will make appear again in July 4th.
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