We took a trip up Mauna Kea Saturday to do some bird hunting. I was happy to pull the 4WD "fun lever" and away we went, up the mountain to where frost remained on the ground until after dawn. The air was crisp, the breeze bone-chilling, and anticipation high. Larry was especially excited after a successful hunt a few weeks ago. He turned out to be the sharpshooter this weekend, too. He brought home a turkey, a chucker and a quail. I am not sure I react quick enough to be a bird hunter. One quail flushed from a tree right where I was standing and before I figured out that I was supposed to aim and pull the trigger the bird was already gone. It was the only decent chance I got all day and birds didn't cross Chris' path at all. Slow hunting, but the view was fabulous.
Hunting on Mauna Kea with cinder cones in the foreground, Kohala Mountains in the background, and Haleakala on Maui towering into the sky.

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