We're still scouring the island for caves. We have a map of Goat Skull cave and we've been looking for a way in. Chris found two leads on aerial photos so we went looking again. The first lead turned out to be a skylight, but it had about a 40 foot drop, so we had no way to get in. Steel rods pounded into nearby lava were evidence that someone else has rappelled into the cave. We hiked mauka for a ways and found a tiny entrance. We smashed some of the lava covering the hole so we could fit inside, and away we went! The cave went a good half mile and it was large enough to stand up in most of the time. The best news is, there's still more fun to be had. We found one more skylight on our hike back, and we still have the other lead from the aerial photo.
Our entry. We had to smash some of the lava out of the way to make the entrance big enough.
Ill-equipped. We'd need mountain climbing gear to get into this one.

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