Chris' boat actually looks nicer in this photo than it does in real life. We took it out spearfishing Saturday. This spearfishing stuff is harder than I imagined. Chris got two fish in about three hours. I got zero. I had one goatfish on the spear but it got away. The highlight was listening to Humpback Whales sing underwater and eating our catch the next day.
We went spearfishing a few weeks ago, also. On that trip, Chris woke up a shark that was sleeping under a ledge by shooting a fish as it passed by. If someone threw some steaks on the grill right outside my bedroom window, I'm sure I'd wake up, too.
Returning to the dock was pretty fun. A DLNR guy was inspecting boats and trailers. It seems most folks don't have their trailers safety inspected and what not. I'm sure the guy took one look at our boat and assumed he'd be writing some citations. He was a bit surprised when Chris produced the necessary papers, stickers and safety equiptment. The man next to us with a fancy, big boat, brand new trailer and a shiny, jacked up truck did get a ticket.
Chris later told me he paid more to get the boat registered than he paid for the boat. That, I believe.
Goin' fishin'- this way beats shopping:

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