It was graduation weekend here in Kona, and that's quite the event. You've never attended a graduation until you've been to a Hawaiian high school ceremony. The whole town turns out to support the graduates, and the lei are piled on so high it's a miracle the students can even see through the flowers.
We had our own graduation ceremony in church today for our Theology 301 class. Pastor even made everyone hum Pomp & Circumstance, it's just like him to try to embarrass us. We even got lei- all 12 of the lei they handed out were Kirstina's leftovers from her high school graduation the night before! I'm pretty bummed the class is over- but it was an awesome 9 months. I learned so much! I considered bombing the final so I could take the class again next year. Instead I worked hard and got a 98%! I ended up with the highest grade in the class, and that's not a familiar position for me to be in.
Now that the class is over I need a new project. I'm going to make an attempt at reading the Bible in its entirety within the next year. Maybe I'll even post updates to let folks know how that's going. Don't count on success. Last time I tried to read the Bible in a year I did finish- but it took me a bit over two years to do it.
An official document:

As you probably know, that's one of my goals in life - to read the Good Book coast to coast.
I would consider getting some Cliff's Notes or something to read after every book or chapter. Sometimes the Bible can get too "ye olde" for us common folk!
That's a worthwhile goal and I think you'll do it someday. A Cliff's Notes type tool would be helpful, so would getting a version of the Bible in modern English (no thees and thous) My Bible has introductions to each chapter so you know what to expect. And it has little "Pop-Up Video" style notes throughout.
I'm sure you'll be a lot more successful than I was when I started reading the Bible. I had no clue. Someone gave me a New Testament and I couldn't figure out why the story of Noah's Ark wasn't there.
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