Happy Easter!
Yeah, so I'm a little late with that greeting. I've been busy, OK?
Above is a picture of the sun rising over Hualalai during the Easter sunrise service at Old A's. I love that all the local churches get together. It's like a big family reunion each spring to celebrate Christ's resurrection.
I have to agree with Brian about Passion of the Christ. Violence in movies doesn't bother me, I saw Saving Private Ryan three times on the big screen. But the Passion is particularly difficult for me to watch. Part of that lies in the fact that I know Jesus; it's not just a depiction of a stranger hanging on that cross.
It's important to remember the sacrifice Christ made for us. But Brian's right. The movie should have touched on Jesus' teachings and made the Gospel message clear. In His life and death Jesus teaches us how to obey the most important commandments: Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus demonstrated that message through a life of perfect obedience to the Father, and he gave up His life willingly on the cross because of His great love for us.
The Bible teaches that all people are sinners. We have all rebelled against God and deserve to be eternally separated from Him. Christ loves us so much, He took God's wrath upon Himself. He took the punishment we deserve so that anyone who believes in Him and turns from their sin will be seen as righteous in God's sight. That's the message I wish Mel Gibson would have presented more clearly.
Yeah, so I'm a little late with that greeting. I've been busy, OK?
Above is a picture of the sun rising over Hualalai during the Easter sunrise service at Old A's. I love that all the local churches get together. It's like a big family reunion each spring to celebrate Christ's resurrection.
I have to agree with Brian about Passion of the Christ. Violence in movies doesn't bother me, I saw Saving Private Ryan three times on the big screen. But the Passion is particularly difficult for me to watch. Part of that lies in the fact that I know Jesus; it's not just a depiction of a stranger hanging on that cross.
It's important to remember the sacrifice Christ made for us. But Brian's right. The movie should have touched on Jesus' teachings and made the Gospel message clear. In His life and death Jesus teaches us how to obey the most important commandments: Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus demonstrated that message through a life of perfect obedience to the Father, and he gave up His life willingly on the cross because of His great love for us.
The Bible teaches that all people are sinners. We have all rebelled against God and deserve to be eternally separated from Him. Christ loves us so much, He took God's wrath upon Himself. He took the punishment we deserve so that anyone who believes in Him and turns from their sin will be seen as righteous in God's sight. That's the message I wish Mel Gibson would have presented more clearly.
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