I almost tackled the mail man when he delivered my new shocks today. I've been riding my bike and bumming rides for two weeks because both of my rear shocks were broken. They were supposed to send higher grade gas-filled shocks but the ones they sent don't look as heavy duty as the ones I keep breaking. They seem to be designed differently, however, and I think this will prevent the oil from leaking out. And they sent the right size spacers for the bushings, so the top of the shock actually fits where it mounts into the Jeep's frame. The old ones had a 1/4 inch gap that had to be filled with washers from the hardware store. The hillbillies at Skyjacker wouldn't send me the right size spacers before because they said they don't even make them. Obviously they do. This Jeep with its disappointing ground clearance and now the problematic lift kit has introduced me to the 4X4 world. It would have been a whole lot easier and cheaper to just continue hiking to the beach...but that's not nearly as fun.
Here are the three shocks I've broken recently:

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