A Super Day (that's just for you, Brian)
I watched Superbowl XLI with Joe, a tried and true Bears fan and an authentic Midwestern American. It's too bad Da Bears lost, but watching the game still made me feel like a patriot. From the opening of the Star Spangled Banner to the Bears returning the kickoff for a touchdown, to the outrageous commercials, I was thrilled to take part in this uniquely American tradition. I drank fresh American Kona Brew, wore an old Walter Payton jersey that was made in USA, and when I watched a commercial featuring several Chevy vehicles being driven across this great nation my heart welled up with pride that I also drive an American car. There's something special about the Super Bowl, it's so much more than a football game.
1 comment:
Thanks for taking my advice. :)
I didn't feel too strongly about this year's Super Bowl, but I ended up rooting for the Colts. I've respected Manning since his days at the University of Tennessee.
You guys were close. All you need now is a quarterback.
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