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I wasn't going to brag, but I changed my mind. I am taking a theology class at church, Pastor Bruce calls it Theology 301. We just had our midterm exam and I scored a 95%. Not only was it the highest grade in the class, I am told it's the highest score anyone has ever had on a Theology 301 midterm. It's probably stupid idea to trash talk about my high score. (this is God's word, not a volleyball game) But I'm not used to being the smart kid in the class so I'm gonna enjoy this victory by hanging the test on the fridge and posting a photo online for those of you who don't spend much time looking at my refrigerator.
I believe any good "contest" should be touted as much as possible. God understands that winning IS the most important thing! :) Congrats!
Colleen "I Won" Marshall
Good job girl!
I've always wanted to read the Bible in its entirety, but been too lazy to do it.
I read a few books in college (Job in the Old Testament and the Gospel in the New), but not the whole enchilada - which makes me a hypocrite.
I constantly rag on people who claim to be Christian, but instead of reading the good book they rely on others to tell them what's inside.
And I get the 301 reference - the "3" being the trinity, right?
You crafty Christians ...
Way to go!!
God's word is so worth the effort!
(not that I would do take such a class)
Just daily reading is difficult to keep up on!
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