My Lips Itch!
I'm allergic to mango tree sap. About five years ago I went climbing around in mango trees, picking mangos, eating mangos, and rubbing my face with mango sap covered hands. Two days later they sent me home from work because my bumpy, splotchy face and swollen shut eyes were scaring the customers.
So I was pretty careful around the mango trees on Jennifer's farm in Holualoa Sunday. Not careful enough, apparently, because my lips still are swollen, bumpy and itchy three days later.
I did climb this mystery tree. No one knows what kind it is, but I am certain it's not mango. I'd rather confront poison ivy, oak or sumac than to take on another mango tree. Thankfully, poison ivy, oak and sumac are three things I don't have to worry about now that I live in Hawaii. Here's a fun poison ivy, oak and sumac website. Brings me back to my Midwestern roots.

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