Top of the World
Now you know why I didn't update my blog for two weeks. I was too busy having fun! Sarah, Doug and I took my Jeep to the 13,800 foot summit of Mauna Kea Saturday to engage in tom foolery, snowboarding and saucer sledding (my saucer sled may very well be the only one on the island) The snow was icy and the 50 mph wind pelted us with flying ice chunks and tried its darndest to knock us down. But snowboard we did. And we enjoyed it. There's something exhilarating about standing on the highest point for thousands of miles, especially when that point is a snow covered tropical mountaintop. I find a certain thrill in carving up the snow on the side of a volcano. Maybe it's that I don't get to snowbard very often, maybe it's just the elevation and lack of oxygen to the brain.
These photos show the world famous Keck Observatory (with Haleakala, the highest peak on Maui in the background) And me admiring Sarah's first ever snowboard ride.

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