One Man's Trash
Chris and I bought a foreclosed house in February and our recreation time has turned into yard work and house repair time. We've accomplished a lot and for the most part we're having fun, but I haven't been blogging because I didn't want to bore everybody with, "we painted the garage, we cleared weeds," etc.
For some reason, I think this story is worth noting. We have cleared huge areas overrun by monstera by yanking it out with the Jeep and slashing it with machetes. This created massive heaps of yard waste, including one pile about 3 feet deep and almost 200 feet long. Then the daily summer rains came and the discarded monstera began to sprout, threatening to take over our yard once again. So Chris had the genius idea to put an ad on Craig's List for free monstera root and we had at least a dozen customers. They filled trucks, trailers, bags, boxes, and one guy even took a whole dump trailer full. They also raided our ginger and plumeria. I had no idea the world is full of friendly people willing to come take our garbage away. It was great!
It might be boring for you to write about your cleaning. But you must remember, in Indiana, that sounds so exciting. It is also great to hear about your new endeavour as a married couple!
Guess most of our blogs have been about home projects lately too. I hope I haven't been putting anyone to sleep though! We are also in a phase of life that's mostly happening close to home. Please keep writing and we'll keep reading! By the way I've justed posted another home project on our blog. Take care.
Yeah, I'm with everybody else...please keep blogging even if you think it is not worth it. Some of us like to keep up with you no matter what you are doing because you are just cool like that!!! ~Mele
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