Chris, Christoph, Ben and I attended the Parker Ranch rodeo in Waimea on Labor Day weekend. It felt so good to be surrounded by mountains, cheering fans and dust as we watched barrel racing, roping and bull riding. I have always been amazed by cows, the magnificent creatures that turn grass into steaks.
On somewhat of a related topic, I made a major accomplishment today: I watched the final episodes of King of the Hill. It's my all time favorite TV show that went off the air a few years ago. I've been watching the episodes mostly in sequence on Netflix so I could catch the ones I missed on TV, and I can now say I have watched every single one. I saved episode 20 from season 13 for my grand finale because of the great topic: it was all about Bobby's skills of judging cuts of meat. He and his dad, Hank, finally found something in common, a love for steak. It couldn't have ended better as the sun set over Rainy Street in Arlen, Texas, Bobby and Hank grilled side by side, and all the neighbors came to enjoy the sumptuous steaks. All was right with Texas and America that day, I tell you what. But I did feel a little sad, as if I was saying goodbye to a group of close friends. We're cancelling the watch now portion of Netflix now that it costs extra, so I'll have to go back to watching the first six seasons on DVD, the rest were never released.

After attending the rodeo, I wished I was a cowgirl.