Chris and I have spent two afternoons hunting around a lava field for a hole in the ground. We found it Saturday.
We had heard about a lava tube filled with fresh water from a spring and that sounded like something we'd like to check out. Boards cover the hole and a homemade ladder extends down inside. Without the ladder, there would be no way out. You'd be treading water until someone brought you a rope- and I have a feeling you'd be waiting a while for that to happen.
The water is cold and clear, and very little light enters the cave from the tiny entrance. The darkness inside the swimming hole seemed to swallow up the beams from our flashlights. We checked out all of the walls in the cave to see if it continued on and it did not. It was just one big, cold, dark, wet, fun room.
We poked around for a while before we found this hole in the woods.

Here's me, climbing up the ladder, out of the darkness and into the light.
Chris enjoys the refreshing water inside the cave.