Jar full of frogs
It's raining tonight and I noticed tiny frogs all over the driveway and the street. They're fast and despite their small size they can jump a couple feet, which makes them really fun to catch! They look like coquis but I have never heard a coqui frog in the neighborhood which makes me suspect they are greenhouse frogs.
The coqui frog, of course, is a tiny invasive specie from Puerto Rico that has made a big stink on the island because of its loud 80 decibel chirp. Hawaii has tons of plants and animals that were transported here purposely or accidentally that pose a threat to our delicate ecosystem. I haven't come across anything too interesting yet, though I did uncover a blind snake once while planting pineapples. It is a felony to posses a snake in Hawaii because of the harm they could cause to the environment. But blind snakes only get a few inches long and they eat termites (not native birds) so I don't think anyone minds them.